Korea is leading the world’s AI copyright norms and has released draft guidelines for generative AI-copyright use.

The draft generative AI-copyright usage guidelines will be released at the Seoul International Copyright Forum held at the Ambassador Seoul Pullman Hotel on the 26th. This announcement means that Korea is taking the lead in proposing AI copyright norms. The draft usage guidelines were prepared based on discussions by the AI-Copyright Law System Improvement Working Group, which has been in operation for 9 months since last February. This draft contains copyright-related matters that rights holders, industry, and general users should pay attention to when using generative AI. Lim Seong-hwan, Director of the Copyright Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, announced that he plans to introduce the draft through this forum, collect various opinions, and release the final version within the year.

Research sessions on AI policies, legal systems and challenges in the US, Korea, UK, EU and Singapore are also scheduled. Presentations will include Andrew Foglia, Deputy Director of the U.S. Copyright Office, Professor Seo Gyun of Pusan National University, Professor Alina Trapova of University College London Law School in the United Kingdom, and Gavin Fu, Director of the Singapore Intellectual Property Office.

Global Professor Hye-sun Yoon of Hanyang University will discuss digital copyright policy.

Seoul Copyright Forum is an international copyright event that has been held since 2008 and marks its 16th anniversary. On-site attendance is only possible through pre-registration, and anyone can listen in real time and leave comments through the YouTube channel.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is holding an international event on copyright technology and the content industry in the AI era. It is held. On November 1, the ‘2023 International Conference on Copyright Technology (ICOTEC)’ will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul under the theme, which will shed light on the prospects for copyright technology and the digital content ecosystem in the era of super AI. It is going to be. About 2,000 people, including KAIST Professor Jaeseung Jeong, are expected to participate in this event both on-site and online.