NTT launches its own model to speed up generative AI development in Japan and China

Japanese and Chinese companies are rapidly promoting artificial intelligence (AI) development. NTT, a large Japanese telecommunications company, plans to launch services for businesses using its self-developed generative AI in March next year.

NTT uses a large-scale language model (LLM) to build generative AI And this AI was known under the name “Tsuzumi”. NTT explained that Tsuzumi is not inferior to ChatGPT developed by OpenAI in the United States in terms of Japanese language processing ability. NTT also emphasized that it reduced introduction costs by learning data limited to specific fields. NTT plans to use this AI to database hospital medical records in Japan and input call center response records, and plans to achieve sales of 100 billion yen by 2027 by improving its English response ability.

China’s largest Search company Baidu has launched a paid version of its AI chatbot, “Erniebot.” The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on this. Baidu introduced a product on its website that allows users to use Erniebot 4.0, the latest version of Erniebot, for 59.9 yuan per month. Users of Erniebot 4.0 can ask 100 questions every 3 hours, and the previous version, Erniebot 3.5, can be used for free.